Meet Dana…

With a Taurus Sun & Leo Moon, Dana is one part earth mama, and one part phoenix. Her entire life and career has centered around healing herself and others.

She holds a BA in Psychology and an M.A.Ed in Counseling, working as a counselor in middle schools before becoming a mother. She experienced a spiritual awakening in 2012, which led her down a path of self-discovery. Learning about different healing modalities and the desire to help others through spirituality quickly became a passion.

Dana is the author of The Inner Compass Oracle; she is certified in Regression Therapy, Holy Fire Reiki (Master level), and is a Meditation Teacher on the Insight Timer app. Dana is also the host of The Soul Rising Podcast, which premiered on November 6, 2018 and has amassed over 40,000 downloads. She incorporates her 20+ year devotion to Oracle and Tarot cards in every offering she creates.

No matter the modality, Dana is a Divine Messenger helping you navigate the process of embracing your darkness and learning to embody your light.

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